D&D Technologies Pty Ltd Privacy Policy

1. The Company
This Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy) sets out the policy of D&D Technologies Pty Ltd (ACN 059 412 430) which carry on business in Australia, referred to as us, we, our or the Company.

Any person, firm, company, government body or other entity who provides Personal or Sensitive Information to us or accesses or uses our websites at ddtech.com, au.ddtech.com, dam.ddtech.com, registration.ddtech.com or any of our related websites for our brands (including MAGNALATCH, TRUCLOSE, LOKKLATCH, KWIKFIT, SHUT IT and SURECLOSE) (our websites) is referred to as you or your.

2. Privacy Principles

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) sets out 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).  The APPs can be found on the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at https://www.oaic.gov.au/  
The Company respects an individual’s right to personal privacy and is committed to complying with the APPs.

3. Personal and Sensitive Information

”Personal Information” is information or an opinion about you as an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether or not the information or opinion is true and whether or not it is recorded in a material form.

“Sensitive Information” is information about an individual’s health (including predictive genetic information), racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, professional or trade association or trade union, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, biometric information that is to be used for certain purposes and biometric templates. Information” is information or an opinion about you as an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether or not the information or opinion is true and whether or not it is recorded in a material form.
“Sensitive Information” is information about an individual’s health (including predictive genetic information), racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, professional or trade association or trade union, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, biometric information that is to be used for certain purposes and biometric templates.

4. Acceptance of this Privacy Policy

By accessing or using our websites, and/or otherwise providing us with Personal or Sensitive Information, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and that you authorise us to collect, hold, use and disclose your Personal or Sensitive Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy applies together with any other applicable terms and conditions that may apply to your relationship and/or engagement with us.

5. Collection, Holding, Use and Disclosure of Personal or Sensitive Information

We only collect Personal Information and Sensitive Information that is reasonably necessary for our Company functions and activities and/or our dealings with you. 

We will retain your Personal or Sensitive Information for as long as it is required to achieve the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise required by law.

6. How we collect Personal and Sensitive Information

We collect Personal and Sensitive Information in a number of ways, including:

  1. directly from you (such as when you submit a request, send us an email, place an order, complete a survey or register for a promotion, or when you download and use an app relating to one of our products or services);
  2. third party service providers, including credit reporting agencies;
  3. from third party sources such as website analytics or how and when you use our products and services, including technical information; 

If you don’t provide the Personal or Sensitive Information requested, we may be unable to complete your order and/or to provide you with our goods and services. 

7. The kind of Personal or Sensitive Information we collect

The Personal or Sensitive Information we collect depends on the purpose for which it is collected, but generally may include:

a. name and contact details (including your address, email address, telephone number)
b. payment details and transaction history;
c. financial and credit information;
d. information relating to your use of our goods and services, including your user ID and password, video, video and photo images, voice recordings, and usage related to such products and services including location data and device-specific information.

If you are a client or customer, we may also require: your financial and credit information; information relating to your use of our goods and services, including your user ID and password, video, video and photo images, and voice recordings; and usage related to such goods and services, including location data and device-specific information.

From our employees, independent contractors and/or prospective employees, we collect several types of information, including, but not limited to, employment status, bank account details, emergency contact details, qualifications, industry certification, memberships of professional bodies, previous employment details, police checks, working with children checks, medical and health information, leave summaries, wages and salary information, superannuation information, tax file numbers, where relevant visa and immigration information and information relating to performance and conduct.

We do not otherwise collect Sensitive Information.

In some circumstances, you may deal with us anonymously or using a pseudonym.  However, in most circumstances it is impracticable to do so because if you do not provide us with the Personal and Sensitive Information that we require or if you provide it in a way that does not identify you, we are unlikely to be able to provide the goods and services requested by you.

You agree that any information you give to us will be accurate, correct and up to date and you will inform us if any of Personal or Sensitive Information changes to ensure that the details we hold about you are up to date and correct.

8. How we hold your Personal or Sensitive Information

Your information will be held by the Company in various formats (both physical and electronic, including cloud storage provided by our third party service providers.

9. How we use your Personal or Sensitive Information

We use and disclose Personal or Sensitive Information for a number of purposes including: 

a.    to provide you with our goods and services; 

b.    to process transactions;

c.     to provide quality assurance, customer care and assistance; 

d.    to communicate with you (regarding your transactions, for customer support, to ask you for feedback, or to respond to your enquiries or feedback); 

e.    to help provide a more personalised experience; 

f.      for business administration purposes;

g.    to improve and enhance our goods and services;

h.    to conduct market analysis and data analytics on customer behaviours and insights in relation to our goods and services; 

i.      to manage or improve our websites and for statistical analysis; 

j.      where you have provided consent (in accordance with the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007), to send you direct electronic marketing and/or promotional messages , including news, invitations, information about our activities and general promotional materials;

k.     to maintain our relationship with you;

l.      to enforce the terms and conditions of any agreement we have with you;

m.   to ensure compliance with statutory obligations;

n.    to credit reporting bodies;

o.    for purposes related to the Company’s research, development and analysis, planning, web site development, security and risk management;

p.    where a third party acquires or wishes to acquire an interest in the Company or the business of the Company; or 

q.    to the extent we are required or authorised by law to do so.

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing communications from us, please contact the Company’s Privacy Officer on the contact details listed below or click the unsubscribe function included in our marketing communications.

10. Who we disclose your Personal or Sensitive Information to

We may disclose your Personal or Sensitive Information to:

a.    third party service providers that we have engaged to provide a service in relation to our goods and services (for example, payment services, IT, marketing, delivery, installation and other goods or services);

b.    our other D&D Technologies group companies, business partners and licensees in Australia and overseas (including in the United Kingdom, United States and Europe, as well as outside the European Economic Area).

We only disclose Personal or Sensitive Information to third parties to the extent necessary for them to provide the particular goods and services for which they are engaged to provide or as otherwise set out in this Privacy Policy.

Where Personal or Sensitive Information is disclosed to third parties outside Australia, those third parties may be required to comply with acts and practices required by applicable laws of an overseas country. 

By providing us your Personal or Sensitive Information you acknowledge, agree and consent to our use and disclosure of your Personal or Sensitive Information in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy, including to overseas recipients. By consenting to such use and disclosure of your Personal or Sensitive Information you also agree that APP 8.1 does not apply.

If you have provided us with information about another person, you  warrant that you are authorised to provide such information on that person’s behalf and that the information is, to the best of your knowledge, current and accurate. Your obligations under privacy laws may also mean that you need to tell that person about the disclosure and let them know that they have a right to access their Personal or Sensitive Information and that we will handle their Personal or Sensitive Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Other than as set out in this Privacy Policy, we do not sell or otherwise provide your Personal or Sensitive Information to third parties or make any other use of your Personal or Sensitive Information which is not incidental to your relationship with us.

p.    where a third party acquires or wishes to acquire an interest in the Company or the business of the Company; or

q.    to the extent we are required or authorised by law to do so.

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing communications from us, please contact the Company’s Privacy Officer on the contact details listed below or click the unsubscribe function included in our marketing communications.

11. Links to other websites

Our websites may contain links to other websites. Those links are provided for convenience only- our Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites and any information collected by such third parties is governed by that third party’s privacy practices or policies. We are not responsible or liable for the privacy practices or the content of any third party websites. The use of such websites is at your own risk.

Our websites may interface with social networks to allow users access to various social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.). To understand how and what information is collected and what cookies are used by such third parties, you should check their privacy policies.

12. Cookies

We and our service providers may utilise various technologies (including cookies (generally), analytic cookies, targeting, advertising or remarketing cookies, web beacons and pixels, and other types of technologies) (collectively cookies) which assist us in our functions and activities including our dealings with you, for the provision of goods and services and for marketing and remarketing purposes. For example, cookies allow us to monitor traffic patterns and usage statistics, and to identify visitors.

A “cookie” is an electronic information file that is stored and accessed on your computer or device. There are several types of cookies used on our websites which may remain on your computer or device for varying periods of time, including in some instances, permanently, unless you delete them from your computer or device. We may also use cookies in other platforms, including in our emails, newsletters and other electronic communications.

We also use third party service providers, including Google Analytics, Usabilla and Hotjar, to collect and process data and to analyse our visitors’ behaviour on an anonymous and aggregate level. This allows us to log information about visits and site visitors for various purposes, including remarketing purposes and in order to improve the user experience of our websites.

To assist in our functions and activities, cookies are also used in our remarketing practices in various instances, including in order to determine who has previously visited or interacted with our websites, used our mobile apps or interacted with our videos. This allows us to advertise online to you through third parties, including Google, who may also use cookies in order to track website activity and show our advertising online across various websites, platforms and devices.

You can opt out of Google Analytics and Google’s use of cookies by searching ‘Google opt out’.

If you do not wish to accept cookies, you should set your computer or other device to not automatically accept cookies from being stored or to inform you whenever a site requests storing a cookie. Previously stored cookies may also be able to be deleted from your computer. However, be aware that some areas or functions of our websites depend on cookies and may not work if you delete or do not accept them.

Please contact us at privacy.au@assaabloy.com for more information about the use of cookies.

13. Security

We take reasonable steps to protect Personal and Sensitive Information from unauthorised access, use, loss, misuse, modification, interference or disclosure. Where your Personal or Sensitive Information is provided to us electronically (including over the internet or via the use of any apps) we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. 

If we collect any unsolicited Personal or Sensitive Information or if we no longer need the information for our activities or functions, we will, if practicable and reasonable to do so, destroy the information or ensure that the information is de-identified.

14. Access to and correction of Personal or Sensitive Information

You can contact us via the contact details below to:

The Company will deal with such a request in accordance with the requirements of the APPs.

A reasonable access fee may be charged to cover our costs of providing the information to you unless the APPs privacy laws prohibit us from charging you for a request.

15. Variation

This Privacy Policy may be varied by us from time to time by us amending this Privacy Policy as published on our websites or by notice to you. Any changes will apply from the date we post the updated Privacy Policy on our website or through our services. If we make any significant changes, we will endeavour to provide you with reasonable notice of such changes through our website, or via other means such as email.

16. Miscellaneous

Nothing in this Privacy Policy shall be read or applied so as to exclude, restrict or modify or have the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying any obligation or right implied by law (including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)), and which by law cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.

Headings used in this Privacy Policy are for convenience only and shall be ignored in construing this Privacy Policy.

References to ‘include’ and like words are by way of example only and are without limitation.

References to any document (including this Privacy Policy) are references to that document as varied, amended, consolidated, supplemented, novated or replaced from time to time. 

References to any law are references to that law as amended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced from time to time.

This Privacy Policy shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Australia (as the context requires).

17. Contact Details

For Australia privacy.au@assaabloy.com