Forging a family legacy

August 14, 2024

Forging a family legacy

Spotlight on Erin Schmidt from Schmidt Aluminium Fabrication

The birth of Erin Schmidt’s first child took place during the peak of COVID. For many, the arrival of a newborn combined with the uncertainty of a global pandemic would be considered more than enough to have on your plate. But for Erin and husband Dan, it was the spark that ignited a desire to build a business that could be a legacy for their family.

“We had our first daughter in July 2020, and just a week later, Dan had this epiphany,” says Erin. “He wanted more for our family, something stable, something we could be proud of. That was when we decided to build a family business focused on aluminium fabrication for gates and fencing.”

Dan’s previous experience as a fabricator laid a solid foundation for the creation of Schmidt Aluminium Fabrication, based in Currumbin on Queensland’s Gold Coast. The business grew rapidly off the back of Dan’s reputation for exceptional quality and Erin’s focus on customer satisfaction.

Prior to joining Dan in the business, Erin had worked in the dental industry. Her transition from running a dental practice to managing Schmidt Aluminium was a steep learning curve. “I knew very little about fencing initially,’ she admits. “But Dan is very knowledgeable and patient, and I learned a lot from him.”

Erin leveraged her experience in customer service, marketing, and business management to expand the business and build its reputation for high quality and complex custom jobs.

“Our growth has been primarily through word of mouth," Erin says. "We’re meticulous with our quality. Everything is double-checked before it goes out for installation. It’s about delivering a high-standard product that people appreciate.”

One project that stands out for Erin is a telescopic gate they fabricated last year. “It took a lot of creativity, testing, and precision, but it was incredibly satisfying to deliver an amazing product to someone else in the industry,” she recalls.

It’s this precision and creativity that’s seen Dan Schmidt win Industry Young Achiever in the 2022 Australian Fencing Awards as well as Innovation Excellence in 2023.

“We’re all really impressed,” says Erin. “When we’re out for a drive with our four-year-old, she’s always pointing at gates she sees and asking, ‘Did you make that one, Daddy?’ It’s so lovely.”

Erin’s role in the business extends beyond management; she’s hands-on with customers and operations, even while managing family life. “I remember being in labour with our second daughter, making sure all our customers were notified about their appointments,” she laughs. “It was crazy, but we managed.”

Erin's dedication to customer service and quality extends to their choice of suppliers.

“We’ve used D&D Technologies' products throughout our process,” Erin says. “Their products, like the BadAss hinges just work. They look good and are reliable, which is crucial for us.”

Reflecting on their journey, Erin is proud of what they've achieved. “It started with wanting to create a legacy our children could be proud of,” says Erin. “The fact that Dan and I are very focused on quality means we’ve been able to build the business from three people to ten in four years. Our daughters are both pretty young, but maybe one day in the future, we’ll hand it over to them and they’ll continue it on. Who knows?”